So often we feel like the writer of Ecclesiastes when he said, “I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind (Ecclesiastes 1:14).” Circumstances like the loss of someone we love, suicide of a local teen, or war breaking out in Ukraine, make us stop and ask, “What is the point of life? Is there meaning in death?
Yet, God promises us that He can and is doing new things all the time (Ezekiel 36:26; 1 Cor. 5:17). So, maybe the Ecclesiastes scribe was wrong. What if what we do with our lives is not meaningless? What if suffering, and even death itself, does not occur in vain? Let me be honest…
You’ve probably heard that love isn’t a feeling, it’s a choice. Whoever said that was absolutely right. God chose to love us when we were unlovable. For those of us who are married, we know that we’re choosing to love our spouses even when the butterflies aren’t there or we’re stuck in the middle of an argument. Moms, we're loving our children when they’ve pitched a fit and disobeyed the rules. I'm sure we can all think of 100 instances we've chosen to love family, friends, coworkers, and even total strangers, when they weren't exactly lovable. For sure. Love is a choice. But, that doesn’t disqualify our feelings. Our emotional response to circumstances and people is actually a gift from God. I always thought I was a broken girl because I was not free to feel.
You are a person. I know it’s crazy. But, you are. You are a person with a soul and a calling and a God who loves you so much He appointed you to be in the exact season that you’re in.
We so often forget our humanity. Our microwave, media driven culture makes us think we can be awesome constantly and immediately. We should be robots that crush our goals, speed through to-do lists, get what we want out of life, and look awesome while we do it. However, the reality is that we are indeed human. We need rest. Life is hard and we cannot run from our emotions forever. We wake up with bedhead and bad breath. Where we want a resounding “YES!” God sometimes says “no,” “not right now,” or is even silent. Sometimes life knocks us down and we feel taken out of the fight.... So, what do we do? Hi my name is Ellie and I loved being single.
While I was single, I really left my heart out on the dance floor. I gave it my all. And, by the time I met my husband, I could literally say that I had done everything that I wanted to do as a single person. Including collecting an incredible amount of… well let’s just say interesting… dating stories. Here’s one of my personal favorites. And, yes, this is real... |
AuthorKaley Rivera Thompson is an author, copywriter, Bible teacher, speaker, and worship leader. When she's not championing other women, cheering on the rising generation, writing or playing her guitar, Kaley loves to sip strong coffee, go on hikes, or take a day trip to the mountains with her family. She takes the most pride in being a mom to three little girls, Lina, Lili and Ceci. You can follow her on instagram at @kriverathompson or find out more on her website at Archives
February 2025